Featured Articles Promotion & SEO

Get Free Unlimited Backlinks

Check out this fantastic new concept in building backlinks and getting traffic to your sites. Its absolutely free and is available only via invites (which I’m giving away here). The site is similar to Squidoo but certainly not the same, it has some very powerful features that will make this a HUGE success. Its set to come out of beta stage within days, the key is to get in early and you’ll benefit a whole lot more!

What are you on about?

I’m talking about a new site called Qassia. It was launched in January 2008 and has been in beta stage since then. The site has over 20,000 users already and is currently in closed beta stage (meaning they are not allowing new sign-ups unless you get an invite).

How is Qassia going to help me?

Promoting a site can be very difficult and time consuming. Site owners are forced to spend hours upon hours doing mundane and unproductive tasks such as exchanging links. Many give up, and splurge on advertising – which is why Google Adwords earns $1 billion per quarter.

Qassia is a tool that allows users to get unlimited backlinks to their sites… but not only that, the more you participate the more promotion your sites get. You’re probably thinking there are tons of other sites like this (social bookmarking / squidoo etc)… and you’re absolutely right – except this site has some powerful features that will make it very popular (in my honest opinion).

What can I do at Qassia?

You can add your websites, and get unlimited quality backlinks. There is no need to pay, or to link back to Qassia. Websites are processed instantly and ranked by the amount of credits you have amassed. To earn credits, you can add “intel” (your knowledge, views etc.)

You can also earn money – real money! Revenue share. But like non-other!!!! You get 100% revenue share… well actually, you’re not even sharing!!!

Did you say 100% Revenue Share?

Yep!. You got it. Unlike other similar sites (Squidoo or Knol for example give like 50% revenue share) – at Qassia you get to keep ALL the revenue that your articles / content generates. You get to keep 100%. So not only do you get quality backlinks but you also earn from within Qassia!

Think about it… you submit your articles / content / views etc… in return you get traffic to your sites (which means more sales or more people click on ads from within your site – either way more revenue)… but on top of all this you also have the chance to earn money (100%) from the actual article/content you submitted at Qassia.  Great huh!

How will Qassia generate traffic?

At Qassia, you will get credit for adding your “intel” (intelligence, knowledge, feedback, views etc etc). The more credit you get, the better your sites will rank. This provides incentive for site owners to contribute to Qassia. Thus harnessing the minds of millions, Qassia will become the largest repository of intelligence on the web.

OK OK… Give me the Invite already!!!

As I’ve mentioned above, you can no longer register on Qassia unless you get an invite – that’s exactly what I’m giving you here. Just click on the link below and you’ll see the “sign-up” button on the page that loads. Click on that, fill in a simple form – and away you go!






Promotion & SEO

Web Directories – Are they useful?

I’ve had a lot of people ask me whether I think its worth submitting websites to ‘web directories’… “will I get traffic by submitting my site to a directory?”. The answer isn’t as straight forward as it used to be.

When I first started out on the net, developing websites… waaay back in 1998; I was advised by experienced webmasters that I could get good traffic by submitting my sites to web directories. There are free directories and also paid ones, but I was advised to go with the free ones to start off with.

Back then, I got what I considered to be decent traffic. But things have changed now. There are now millions of web directories all over the net – the free directories no longer give you as much traffic. People use them less to find sites and more to submit their own sites.

But, saying that… I wouldn’t say its a waste of time submitting your site to free directories. Far from it. There are still a lot of benefits to getting your web site into free directories.

The idea is to get your site listed in as many directories as possible – but just make sure these directories are related to your sites content. There’s no point in listing your Travel related site in a photographers directory! In fact you’ll most likely get banned from that directory anyway.

Here are some advantages of submitting your site to directories:

1. For Permanent Listings / Backlinks: Many webmasters and SEO specialists consider that older links are of huge importance to search engines and they supplement not only the ranking value of your domain, but also amplify the resale price.

2. Anchor Text: If you can use the right anchor text in your directory listing then it will help you rank higher in search engines for those important keywords.

3. Screenshots: A lot of web site directories now offer automatic screen-shots for your web site. This makes it visually pleasing and can get you visitors who click onto the screen-shot.

4. Deep Links: They are extremely helpful. Web sites with deep links are likely to perform much better than those that don’t any!

5. Direct Traffic: You might not huge traffic directly from the directory you submit to, but you will get some. More importantly, you will get traffic from better search engine placements – which directory lists can help improve.

Disadvantages of submitting your site to directories:

1. Time Consuming: This is probably the only disadvantage to listing sites to directories. It can take a lot of time – UNLESS – you have the right tools. Check ‘directory tools’ for more info.

Some useful tips:

Avoid using services that promise bulk submissions to directories. It is very difficult to check the quality of such directories, your site could end up in directories that have no relevance to your sites contents. This will add no advantage to your site and would be a waste of time.

Remember that directory submissions are a long-term SEO strategy and not a link strategy. Hence, do not expect extreme inbound traffic from your directory submissions, but instead have patience.

Domaining Promotion & SEO

Find out whos linking to your site

I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times before – backlinks are great for your site. Having quality backlinks to your site helps in getting better search engine rankings and that means more traffic! So, you’ve exchanged links with similar sites, submitted your sites to ‘web directories’ – now how do you check how many backlinks you’ve accumalated?

Well, there’s a few simple to use tools to help you find just that.

Below you’ll find the tools used to find who’s linking back to your site – but keep in mind they may not be 100% accurate.….

Using Google:

See how many ‘backlinks’ your site has using Google, follow these simple instructions…

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to
  3. In the search box type in:





Using Yahoo:

Google doesn’t always give you all the existing backlinks, not always up-to-date… it gives some but doesn’t always show them all. A lot of people also use Yahoo! as well as Google to find more accurate numbers.

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to
  3. In the search box type in:



You can also use some free website tools to find more information – use all the information you find, look at the numbers and they’ll help give you a more than rough idea of how many backlinks your site has.

Other Tools:

URL Trends
This website/tool is more than just a backlink checker, you’ll find tons of other information on there too.

iWebTools Backlink Checker
This is a fantastic website, worth bookmarking if you’re a webmaster or designer. It has this backlink checker tool plus a whole load of other tools which can be very useful for SEO and other research involved in development or even domaining.

BackLink Finder
This a very basic tool, shows you roughly how many backlinks your site has.

Let me know what you think!

That’s yer lot for now. As always I would appreciate some feedback and comments. If you know of other tools or tricks related to backlinks, feel free to leave me a comment below – if I add your suggestions I will of course credit you.


Promotion & SEO

Does Google like your site?

Find out what Google thinks of your website. Learn why its important for Google to like your site. In this article I show you how to check your ‘backlinks’, ‘indexed pages’, ‘page rank’ and even what Google has of your site in its ‘Cache’!

What Google thinks of your site really does matter if you want to succeed online. This is because Google, with over 60% of the U.S. search engine market; has become the most dominant ‘search engine’ online. How your site ranks within this (and other) search engines can have a huge impact on how much ‘traffic’ your site gets.

If you’re a ‘webmaster’ (web designer), you probably already know how vital Google is to the success of your site, especially if you rely upon organic keyword rankings for your traffic. This free organic traffic from Google is highly desired by webmasters because it is extremely targeted and delivers high conversion rates.

More traffic usually means more ‘leads’ and more leads equals more sales.

Even if you’re not selling a product, but rely on any kind of revenue generating through your site, be it from ‘Google Adsense’ or affiliate links or something else – traffic matters! The more visitors you get, the higher the chances of these visitors clicking on paid adverts (such as Adsense) and the more clicks you get, the more money you make!

In fact, even if you’re site is non-profit based, you would still want more people coming to it so that they can see your message or whatever it is that you have on your site.


If you’re NOT interested in getting more traffic or having people see your site – then you might want to ask yourself  WHY you’ve made a web site in the first place! If you don’t want to share – then maybe its best to keep your content on your own computer rather than releasing it online!


As a webmaster myself, I’m always trying to get the highest rankings possible. Its important for me (same applies for most webmasters) to be aware of how Google views my site. It can be a headache trying to understand Google – but if you get the basics then eventually the rest will fall into place.

The more knowledge you gain about Google in terms of how its viewing your site, the better you will be equiped to tackle any obstacles and challenges that come your way. Getting a good ranking in Google would also mean you get good rankings on other search engines too. Not the same rankings, but similar.

How Google shows its love & hate through SERPs

Some webmasters would argue with this statement, but I think the best way to judge Google’s love for your site is via the SERPs (search engine results pages)! If your site/pages are ranked in the first page then it means Google likes your site – it thinks its important for the keywords that were used in that search.

However, the tricky part is – what keywords are you using to search with? Would they be the same keywords used by millions of other regular people?

Anyway, there are other ways to find out how Google is viewing your website/content. The webmaster tools below will give you a better picture of what the big Goog thinks about your site.

Check your content & Keywords

Googles Keyword Tool – used by advertisers who use Adwords, can also be used to find out what Google thinks of your pages. It gives you a rough idea of what Google thinks your pages are about by displaying the keywords it picks up.

Googles Keyword Analysis Tool – Click here

  • Type in your URL you want to check
  • Tick off website content

You will then get a listing of the major keywords Google has for your content for that particular url. If your targeted keyword or keywords are not listed, then you’re doing something wrong – it means you’ll have some re-writing to do on that particular page in order to ensure the main keywords are picked up.

Check Your Backlinks in Google

If you want to see how many ‘backlinks’ your site has in then just follow these simple instructions…

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to
  3. In the search box type in:



This will show you the number of backlinks to your website in Google.

Check Your Backlinks in Yahoo!

Google doesn’t always give you all the existing backlinks – it gives some, but doesn’t always show all. Many webmasters use Yahoo! as well as Google to find more accurate numbers. Just follow these simple steps…

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to
  3. In the search box type in:



This will show you the number of backlinks to your website in Yahoo.

Check Your PageRank in Google

‘PageRank’, also known as PR was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It is supposed to be the heart of Google’s ranking system; each link is considered a “vote” for your page and the higher the number of “votes” you have, the higher the PR your page receives.

PageRank Tool – Click here

  • Type in your URL you want to check
  • Press enter! Simple.

‘PageRank’ is a bit of sticky issue. Google uses “smoke and mirrors” to conceal your true PageRank in order to cut out abuse and manipulation of their results. However, many experts still believe that the PageRank still counts – whereas some say it doesn’t.

Check how your site in Googles Cache

Using Googles cache, you can find out when your site was last retrieved (if ever). I’m not sure how important this will prove, but its a nifty little thing to try…

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to
  3. In the search box type in:



Thats all for now…

So there you have it, a nice little run down of how to find out if Google likes your site or not. Hope you find these tools helpful – but try not to get too obsessed with the PageRank tool. Although it helps to have a high PageRank, it doesn’t necesarrily mean it will bring you traffic.

The most important thing is the keywords and how you rank in the SERPs.

Make sure you check out the related contents below – you’ll find some more info and more detailed tips on how to make use of these tools, as well as how to improve your websites rankings in Google.

Leave a comment – tell me what you think.


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